The game’s special edition is called the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Dark Edition. A fitting name for the special edition, since it comes with an actual pair of night vision goggles. It switches to night vision mode on its own during low light conditions, and there’s a manually toggled Long Range IR mode for up to 20 meters of vision in complete darkness.

Activision did not share what the battery life of the goggles is like, but they are charged using USB-C cables. You also get a stand to display the goggles when you’re not wearing them. In addition to the night vision goggles, the Dark Edition also comes with a steel book and an assortment of digital goods for the game. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Dark Edition is priced at US$200 (~RM831). Though, from Activision’s blog post, there doesn’t seem to be an official way to get it here on our shores. The game itself comes to PC, PS4 and Xbox One on 25 October. (Source: Activision)

Call of Duty  Modern Warfare Dark Edition To Include Functional Night Vision Goggles - 81