So, many wondered why Disney decided not to include the highly talented actor in their Endgame Oscar campaign. As it turns out, it’s simply because Robert Downey Jr simply wasn’t interested. While appearing on The Howard Stern Show, RDJ was asked why he wasn’t getting championed by Disney in their 2020 Oscar campaign. The actor said: Can’t say I blame RDJ. Oscar campaigns are known to be slightly pretentious and very tiring. It doesn’t simply involve The Academy watching a bunch of films and picking who/what they think is best. There’s a lot of networking involved — handshaking, chit-chatting and dinner parties. It looks like Robert Downey Jr is happy and content swimming in his pool of MCU money.

Apart from that, the actor was also asked about what he thought about Martin Scorsese’s comments on the MCU. Just to refresh your memories, Scorsese previously said: Downey wasn’t really bothered by it and provided a very diplomatic response. “In his view — and by the way, there’s a lot to be said for how these genre movies, and I was m happy to be part of the problem if there is one — denigrated the art form of cinema. When you come in like a stomping beast and you eliminate the competition in such a demonstrative way, it’s phenomenal.”

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