The Finnish man, who goes by the name of Katainen, explains in his video that when he bought the 2013 Tesla Model S, the card ran fine for the first 1500km. However, once he broke past that accumulated distance, the car’s dashboard started showing error codes. When Kaitanen decided to send the car to a Tesla dealer’s repair shop, they told him that the only thing they could do was to replace the whole battery. Then, as if to pour oil onto an already raging inferno, they told him that he would have to ask the parent company itself for permission to repair the car that he owned. For context, US$22600 is more than half the asking price for a 2013 Tesla Model S in Finland, which currently sells for US$42900 (~RM179600). In any case, Kaitanen said no, and told them that he was on the way to pick up the Tesla. Now comes the interesting part: in order to carry out the explosive part of his master plan, Kaitanen engaged the expertise of Pommijätkät, a YouTuber whose handle roughly translates to “Bomb Dudes”. With their help, Kaitanen’s Tesla was brought to a quarry in Jaala, strapped with more than 30kg of dynamite. The end result was…well, what you’d expect from an explosion with a car in the centre of it. On the flip side, because Tesla cars don’t have a traditional combustion engine, there wasn’t any of the typical black smoke that comes from burning petrol. On a related note, Kaitanen isn’t the only frustrated (ex-) Tesla owner that is unhappy with the parent company’s exorbitant repairing price and its stance on allowing consumers who own any of its cars, to personally repair them. Years before this, a US car enthusiast by the name of Rich Benoit, appeared on Vice’s technology YouTube channel, Motherboard, outlining just how difficult the Elon Musk-owned company makes the process, yet proceeds to harvest and dissect broken Tesla vehicles for parts, before using them to rebuild an entirely new unit. Again that was back in 2018 and it’s likely that Tesla has made some changes to its policies since then. (Source: Gizmodo)