According to the statement, Grab has stated that MyCC’s announcement has taken it by surprise as the company believed that it didn’t break any law within the Competition Act 2010. Nevertheless, Grab has planned to submit a written response to MyCC towards the end of November 2019.

Here is the statement, reproduced in full: With that, it looks like we all are going to be in a long ride with MyCC and Grab. Let’s see what will take place at the end of this clash. Whilst our legal counsels are now studying the Proposed Decision, we believe that it is common practice for businesses to decide upon the availability and type of third-party advertising on their respective platforms, tailored according to consumers’ needs and feedback. We will be submitting our written representations to MyCC by 27 November 2019.”

Grab  We Are Surprised By The RM 86 77 Million Fine From Malaysia Competition Commission - 10