Who would’ve thought, though, that some of the inspiration for that scene would come from another superhero death scene that happened two years prior? I am of course referring to the heart-crushing death of Wolverine in James Mangold’s masterpiece, Logan. In an interview with Empire, Marvel honcho Kevin Feige talked about his experience watching the climactic scene in Logan.

Feige also explained why it was extremely vital for the filmmakers involved that Tony Stark died. Kevin Feige and gang definitely made the right decision. While I love Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark and a small part of me would love to see him play Iron Man till the day he dies, Avengers: Endgame wouldn’t have been as effective as it is without the death of Iron Man (and Black Widow too).

Kevin Feige Wanted Iron Man Death Scene in Endgame to Be as Impactful as Logan - 9