In regards to its specifications, the reworked G303 Shroud Edition Wireless more or less retains the same shape and outline of the original Daedalus Apex, the main difference being that this version of the mouse has been crafted and resized to his hand, as well as his touch, literally. Of course, one major change to the peripheral’s function is that it is now fully wireless. On that note and getting under the hood, the G303 Shroud Edition Wireless has been fitted with Logitech G’s LIGHTSPEED wireless technology, which delivers ultra-low latency. Moving on, the mouse also houses a HERO 25K sensor that allows users to customise their sensitivity with the mouse between 100 and 25000 DPI. Further, the mouse also has a maximum acceleration of 40G and a USB report rate of 1ms. On another note, the battery life of the G303 Shroud Edition Wireless is rated for 145 hours, with constant motion reducing it to 70 hours. Weight-wise, the mouse weighs in at just 75g. Lastly, charging the mouse is conduction via the dedicated USB-C port and provided cable. The Logitech G303 Shroud Edition Wireless gaming mouse has been available since October this year and retails at US$129.99 (~RM542). At the time of writing, Logitech Malaysia has not provided local pricing but we have reached out to them on the matter and will update this page accordingly once we’ve received the relevant information. (Source: Logitech)

Logitech Announces G303 Shroud Edition Wireless Gaming Mouse  Retails At US 129 99 - 64