It has come to their attention that online sellers have begun selling these items such as T-shirts and face masks on social media, and have attracted the public into buying them. Affendi Buang expressed concern regarding the production and sale of these products, especially during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period. He adds that these could potentially be misused by certain individuals and may cause confusion among the public.

— Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (@MarkasATM) April 13, 2020 “This is an action (of irresponsible quarters) to take advantage of the current MCO and the enhanced EMCO enforced by the MAF and the PDRM,” he said in a statement. “It is also seen to tarnish the reputation and role of these two defense forces which is not based on profiteering.” Criminal Investigations Department (CID) director Datuk Huzir Mohamed noted that certain individuals who are selling such items have been tracked down. (Source: MAF via Twitter / Bernama)