The agency stated that this will be done according to the provisions provided by the Postal Services Act 2012. The actual timeline for the implementation is not yet for the moment but nevertheless, MCMC will be having a consultation session with stakeholders within the first quarter of 2019. Based on our quick search, it turns out that the current Quality of Service standards for domestic postal services are still based on the defunct Postal Services Act 1991 and have actually expired in 2015. Not only that, it seemed that only Pos Malaysia is bound to them based on the documents that are publicly available on MCMC’s website:

If the above documents are true, it is indeed a high time for the government to implement a new industry-wide standard in order to increase the competitiveness level within the local postal and courier industry. With the increasing popularity of e-commerce, it is even more crucial for the implementation to take place sooner than later. (Source: MCMC – 1, 2. Image: Pos Malaysia)

MCMC To Implement New Minimum Service Performance Standard For The Postal and Courier Industry - 17